Park and recreation professionals are challenged in today's economy to operate existing facilities and services—and at the same time provide new facilities and services—with limited staff resources. WCRS can help you tackle your existing challenges with current services or work with you on provding new services to your community. WCRS offers a professional and exprienced team that can help your agency with specific needs, and cost of services within your budget.
All consulting services are tailored to your needs by dedicated, experienced consultants. Services can be provided through phone calls, on-site visits, and video conferencing.
Parks & Recreation Software
Usage & Productivty
RFP Development
Implementation & Operation
Marketing Plan Development
Promotional Strategies
Brochure Design & Layout
Website & Social Media
Printing Services Pricing
Community Input
Community Needs Assessment
Program Surveys
Focus Groups
Organizational Development
Leadership Development
Recreation Program Development & Managment
After school
Special Events
Revenue Based Programming
Special Needs
Senior Programming & Social Services
Health & Wellness
Contract Management
Program Development
Program Planning
Event Management
Special Events
Meetings & Conferences
Environmental Education
Community Needs Assesment
Program Surveys
Focus Groups
Consulting Services Offered